Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No time like the present.

Well, the globe is still spinning and life keeps traveling faster and faster every day. Haven't written in a long long time. I kind of really miss it. Feel the need to write down my ideas but have not had the willpower to do so. Maybe this will be the new leaf that gets turned over.

Since I last wrote I have gotten moved a couple times and got married. Crazy how that all happened.

There are new things on my plate. New job, new home, new shared life... and much more.

Next time I will need to have a plan for a post, then it can start to flow and won't be so choppy. But until then this is what you get.

The end for now.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I still have no answers.

Anyone want to start a landscaping company with me? It sure seems like it could be a fun fun time... 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Well... how about some major updation? NAH... who does that anymore?

So there is this thing that we live on called the Earth. Now what is the significance of this statement? Well, actually, there is none that I know of. So new subject.

Life has been crazy. Back to Illinois I went. Now, the task of finding some sort of employment... this is not an easy task as TheAnnointedOne is making a huge mess of everything... What does this world have in store for us? Well, the world is actually our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So... what does he have in store for us? That is the biggest mystery that I know. 

The news these days is scary. We have North Korea threatening to send missiles... we have ABC which is turning over its airwaves to be state run and one sided. Just a scary scary time. But yet we are not hiding under our desks like they did during the cold war. We are not hiding from tall buildings like we did after 9/11 so is it just as bad as ever? This is what I cannot figure out. The answer eludes me and it really bugs me. Have I become so complacent that these known horrors are doing nothing to my psyche? I think it is about time for a major gut check and finding some convictions. Also, when would it be a good idea to emigrate from this country I have forever called home? 

This post seems to be nothing but questions without any answers... why is that? 

Well, if I know anything there is one person in my life that I love more than anyone right now. Cannot wait to marry her... 

This is all I have for now. 

Word to all your mothers...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

With these keys I can create any word I so choose.

HAPPY EASTER everyone. He is Risen. He is Risen indeed. 

How amazing is it to have such a powerful and gracious Lord. One who cares about his creation but allows us to have free will. How amazing is that we are saved by HIS grace alone that we can truly do nothing on our own to make to his eternal kingdom. These last three days are the example of his promise coming true. John 3:16 sums this up in the best way possible. It is truly the Gospel in a nut shell. Today is an amazing day. To overcome death is to slap the devil in the face. 

What is next on my agenda. I gave a story about the magnificent fire. What else has been going on? Do I have any other great stories to tell the world. Sure I do but how to go about writing them? That is my ultimate question concerning the topic at hand. 

What I need to do is find a way to get some ideas. Some topics to write about. A daily question or something like that. What I need is a way to narrow down my ideas. Like into a thesis for a paper. If it is too broad it will not go anywhere. If it is too narrow you run out of things to say. That is the predicament in which I am regarding any sort of writing. What I could maybe do is use this blog as a way to write papers. Like research papers. It is just an idea. I am working on the concepts right now. 

Next question would be whether I would like fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, or a mix of all three. 

The thing is like love history and I enjoy historical fiction. But can I write it? This I think will be my next task. Writing historical fiction. Now I am pretty sure I have only one reader. So if you can help me pick an era or an event. Something I can expand on that would be much appreciated. 

That is all for now. Time to get back to the Easter festivities. 

Of fires and other random acts of kindness.

The title says it all in my head. Fires and random acts of kindness. 

Who would have ever thought that this job as a groundskeeper for a school district would also turn me into a fireman superhero. Not even a thousand apes with typewriters could have guessed the events that took place on Thursday. 

Well actually all of that is blown way out of proportion. The fire part is true though. Here is what happened. We had just made our way to one of the schools and I had just started mowing. I was making really good progress. Just zooming around and cutting the grass. I had to stop a couple times prior to this event taking place because I had hit some paper. Paper + Lawnmower = Really big mess of confetti. So anyways, I was making good progress just chopping grass like you would not believe. Not really thinking about anything and having no cares in the world other than to look out for more paper. Then all of a sudden some guy pulls up to the curb in a pickup truck. He waves me over and I was like, 
"Hey man I really need to mow here and can't be bothered." 
But he was like. "Hey dude, is there sposed to be smoke and fire over on that side of the school?"
 I was then like, "Well I dont think so. I will go check it out and see what's up." 
He was like, "Good luck." and then was on his way.

Well this is when the fun was all set to begin. I rode my tractor over to where the smoke was and next thing I know there are tons of flames. I guess they were small flames but it was fire nonetheless. It was an exciting next five minutes or so stomping out fire and kicking dirt on it to make sure that it did not start back up again. 

Well that was my heroism for the day and I felt like I did a great deed and maybe even saved a brick school from total bakerage. 

Well what are these other random acts of kindness, you might be asking yourself? I wish I knew how to punctuate better. Well... anyways... with this new job I get to pick up garbage and stuff like that. I feel like I am Judge, Jury, and Executioner some times. I get to decide what stays and what goes. Like when you find three garbage bags full of clothes. I judged that they were gross. I weighed my options and then sent the stuff to the garbage. It was a good time. 

Well the job is fun. Everyone smokes and no one is breathing down my back cause I work alone. A good time is usually had by all it seems. Cannot wait for the grass to really start growing. It will make it easier to mow. Hope that I can also get hired. Then in six months I could have some nice benefits. But we will see it is all in the Lords hands. 

That is all for now.

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Good Friday

Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Out here in good ol' PA. That is where I am and the next question is what am I doing? Or, better yet, What have I been doing? The last weeks have been busy busy. Found some more constant work but it isn't guaranteed for very long. At least till July 1 is what it looks like. I need the best of wishes that it might pan out into something that can be a good provider into the future. The pay is not going to be very good but once the benefits kick in it will provide us very well. Benefits include a phone plan great health care and much much more. However, I sort of need to be hired before worrying about that kind of stuff too much. 

Life other than work has been minimal. Work is very tiring because I am not used to it and the days are long and quite difficult. Soon I will be used to it and it will be much easier to get up and go and the routine of it all will make it easier on me I think. Who would have ever thought that mowing would be such a tiring task? Well it is, and that is what I do. I still feel like a chicken with it's head cut off, this is mostly because I am too new to the area and stuff like that. I just do not know where stuff is sposed to go. Once I figure that out it will be much easier. 

I am listening to music as I write and the shuffle just sucks today. I have too many songs and none of them seem to be good anymore. Maybe my tastes are changing or maybe my music really does suck... anyways back to what I have been up to...

Well, I do not want to make this post too long. Maybe I should start writing daily stories and sharing with the world... or whoever actually comes across this, things that happen in my days. 

Here is a little teaser: Yesterday there was a fire and I was fortunate enough to get to put it out. Details will be coming soon. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

To blog or not to blog.. that is the new question.

Life is busy and teeming with new things every day. Today for example was a learning experience on many levels. For starters there is the fact that I should make sure my phone is not on vibrate before going to sleep. It leads only to bad things. Like missing the opportunity to work. Secondly it made me miss another opportunity to work... Lesson learned: Keep the phone on so when it rings I can answer.

Today as I said was a learning experience. My vehicle decided it wanted to spew the contents of its radiator all over the road like a child with the stomach flu decided he needs to spew the contents of his stomach all over the inside of his fathers car, both front and back seats have been hit. The thing that I dont understand is why the leak ended up on the inside of my vehicle. My carpets are very very wet... gotta go find a wetvac... maybe at the local car wash. We will see what happens next. My guess is that the whole thing goes up in a ball of fire. 

So the title of my post here is to blog or not to blog. I really would like to but it is truly a habit. I have the habit of reading the news all day every day. I also enjoy reading my favorite blogs daily. I need something more though. I think this will scratch my itch. Just need to make it a true habit. Life will get better when I can work more stably. It will also get better when I can get my hands on a new vehicle or make sure this one runs as it is supposed to. 

One direction I have always wanted to go with a blog is to make it more political. I would like to find a way to do this without being offensive or losing the ability write my everyday random thoughts. This is a fine line that I have noticed is not easily accomplished. It might be that my blog will be to broad and then no one will read it ever... but that is a risk that I think I am willing to take. Doesn't hurt me at all. If you don't wanna read then it is ok with me. I am not making any money on this blog here. Well not yet anyways. 

This leads me to the next random thought I have going on through my head... Well actually I will save that for another post. 

Hope all is well for everyone out in there in the web.